Naenara Democratic People's Republic of Korea k

Political, Economic, Cultural and All Other Affairs in the DPRK

WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s Revolutionary Activities
  • Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance at Regional-Industry Factories under Construction in Hamju County [2024-09-02]
  • Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Sends Greetings to Vietnamese President [2024-09-02]
  • Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Test-fire of 240mm-calibre MRLS [2024-08-28]

Press Statement by Chief of Public Information Office of Ministry of National Defence of DPRK

The chief of the Public Information Office of the Ministry of National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on September 5 issued a press statement titled "Provocateurs can never evade the heavy responsibility for escalating tension", which said:

The US and the ROK are staging provocative joint military drills one after another, maximizing the military tension on the Korean peninsula.

  • Congratulatory Group of Koreans in Japan Pays Tribute to Statues of Great Leaders [2024-09-07]
  • Peasants Turn Out for State Building [2024-09-07]
  • Scenic Spot—Songhung [2024-09-07]
  • Oratorical Meeting Held [2024-09-07]
  • Celebration Meetings of Working People's Organizations Held [2024-09-07]
  • Farmers of Songhang Farm Move into New Houses [2024-09-07]
  • Stamp Exhibition Begins [2024-09-07]
  • National Fine Art Exhibition Opens [2024-09-07]
  • Nation Boasts Seas Favourable for Aquatic Farming [2024-09-06]
  • New Technique Applied to Implant [2024-09-06]

76th Anniversary of Founding of DPRK Significantly Celebrated

  • Congratulatory Group of Koreans in Japan Pays Tribute to Statues of Great Leaders
  • Oratorical Meeting Held
  • Celebration Meetings of Working People's Organizations Held
  • Stamp Exhibition Begins
  • National Fine Art Exhibition Opens
  • Congratulatory Group of Koreans in Japan Arrives in Pyongyang
  • Meeting with Meritorious Persons Held

Kim Jong Un's Aphorism

“Traffic is what blood vessels are to man.”

[Anecdotes] :: A Photo Taken with a Soldier

One March day in Juche 85 (1996), Chairman Kim Jong Il made his way home after finishing his inspection trip to a sub-unit of the Korean People’s Army.

When his car reached Chol Pass, the dusk started to fall.

President Kim Il Sung’s Reminiscences With the Century (8 Volumes)

DPRK Socialist Constitution

[Socio-Economic System] :: Socio-Economic System

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea relies on socialist relations of production and on the foundation of an independent national economy.

In the DPRK the means of production are owned by the State and social, cooperative organizations, and the State protects private property and guarantees by law the right to inherit it.

[Politics] :: Long Live the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!

[Economy] :: Peanut Peptide Nutritive Paste

[Economy] :: Retaining Taste of Korean Soybean Paste

[Social Culture] :: Scenic Spot—Songhung

[Social Culture] :: Farmers of Songhang Farm Move into New Houses

[History & Folk Customs] :: Japan’s Heinous Moves to Obliterate Korean Nation

[History & Folk Customs] :: Woman Poet Ho Ran Sol Hon


Central Tree Nursery under Ministry of Land and Environment Protection


Friendship Tower


Dear Father

Our National Flag

If I Am Asked to Sing of the Country

Rays of Affection

Let’s Dash towards the Bright Future
