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Welcome to Future Re

Creating new business approaches for ensuring us to get a prospective privilege in the market!

Future Re, as a sole reinsurer in the domestic market, aims to be recognized in the global market as well by seeking and adopting the efficient reinsurance business schemes in conformity with the international practice.

  • Excellence in Service and Convenience for the Customers
  • Reliance on the Science and Technology
  • Priority to the Talent’s Role


Underwriting Department
It functions as a main business quarter for dealing with all reinsurance businesses like analyzing and deciding the share for treaty and facultative reinsurance of various lines offered by reinsureds and brokers home and abroad.
Claims Settlement Department
It is responsible for claims settlements for the accounts, while surveying the losses for the risks underwritten with home and abroad players.
Research & Development Department
It is in charge of applying the reinsurance modules to the Company’s reinsurance business, which is commonly practiced in the international markets, by means of researching and analyzing the trends of the markets and it also functions as a key introducer of the modern science and technology to all types of business and management in the Company.
Finance & Account Department
It is in charge of the financial and accounting works relating to all businesses of the Company and is responsible for issuing and accepting the accounts related documents
Administration Department
It is in charge of overall monitoring of the operation and administration of the Company, including statistical, supervisory and personnel function.

Outline of Risks