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Inward Business

Underwriting Policy

We write both treaty and facultative business from home and selective overseas markets.
We consider all types of obligatory contracts, including proportional, non-proportional, catastrophic and retrocessional, for all lines of business in any shares from local and international insurance companies and brokers.
We work on market conditions, accepting risks from both direct insurers and insurance brokers for facultative reinsurance.
As for inward business under facultative and treaty from local and global markets all and each class is accepted in property, engineering, marine, agriculture and personal accident, even if offered, in a bouquet.

Acceptance Limits (for UY2023-UY2024)

Figures in CHF
Class Capacity
Facultative Treaty
Property 4,000,000 10,000,000
Marine 3,000,000 6,000,000
Engineering 4,000,000 9,000,000
Agriculture 1,000,000 3,000,000
Personal Accident 800,000 2,000,000
* Cover limits are per each reinsurance contract.
The maximum own retention for obligatory reinsurance is from USD 2 million up to 10 million, depending on the type of insurance.

Territorial Scope:

It accepts worldwide including predominantly China, Russia, India, Nigeria, Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, etc. but to avoid
- Facultative/Treaty from USA, Canada and Japan
- Facultative/Treaty from countries and/or regions involving high frequency of political and economic instability
- Facultative/Treaty from countries and or regions involving high frequency of catastrophic risk exposure such as earthquake, tsunami, hurricane and cyclone

Class of Business:

- To write all the classes in property, engineering, marine, agriculture and personal accident.
- The criteria for risks transferred to reinsurance can be any, however, we will provide the best conditions for property, engineering risks, liability, cargo and aviation.
- The beginning of work in the field of obligatory reinsurance can be considered familiarization with the requirements of the assignor with the desired features of coverage. Subsequently, familiarity with the current risk portfolio, the structure of the current obligatory agreement, loss statistics and the provisions of the underwriting policy of the direct insurer will be required.

Acceptance Guidelines:

- To keep away from treaty/facultative in which premium is quite unbalanced by probable maximum liability.
- To write treaty/facultative which do not have huge exposure emanating from catastrophe perils.
- We will not write any proportional treaties without an event cap.
- To accept proportional/non-proportional treaties with an attractive balance taking into account the risk profile and the running of the treaties over a period.
- To write non-proportional treaties considering the Rate on Line, the risk exposure involved, and previous claim experience will be taken into account.
- To accept proportional/non-proportional treaty in good consideration of the risk profiles and statistics through which the running of the treaty over a period of last minimum three, average five, and maximum ten years' performance can be evaluated with its loss ratio and its trend.
- To accept retrocession on referral basis i.e. prior acceptance of leading reinsurer and after required due diligence.
- To consider contingent risk exposure from any company or country (our acceptance limits are per contract).
- Any increase in liability in respect of an existing renewal accounts emanating from contract is subject to prior agreement of leading reinsurer.