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Local Inward Business Results

As at December 31, 2023

As per the Class of Insurance

Class of Business Business Income
in KPW in CHF
Property and Casualty 1,380,486,968 10,619,131
Marine and Aviation 309,519,227 2,380,917
Engineering 140,682,031 1,082,169
Agriculture 98,082,190 754,478
Total 1,928,770,416 14,836,696

Class of Business in KPW in CHF
Fire 306,183,115 2,355,255
Motor 41,058,556 315,835
Casualty 1,033,245,297 7,948,041
Marine Cargo 242,072,869 1,862,099
Marine Hull 54,774,044 421,339
P&I 1,120,000 8,615
Port Liability 6,192,000 47,631
Carrier's Liability 880,440 6,773
Fishing Vessel 339,874 2,614
Aircraft Third Party Liability 4,140,000 31,846
Crop (Rice only) 58,276,058 448,277
Crop (Maize only) 10,902,468 83,865
Potato 22,121,900 170,168
Aquaculture & Fruit 6,781,764 52,167
CECR 22,556,899 173,515
Engineering (CAR/EAR, MB) 118,125,132 908,655
Machinery Loss of Profit
Total 1,928,770,416 14,836,696

As per the Forms of Reinsurance

Forms of Reinsurance Business Income
in KPW in CHF
Non-Proportional Treaty 874,295,025 6,725,346
Proportional Treaty 992,589,472 7,635,304
Facultative Reinsurance 61,885,919 476,046
Total 1,928,770,416 14,836,696

Document Download

Annual Report (2018)
March 31, 2019
Annual Report (2019)
March 26, 2020
Annual Report (2020)
March 21, 2021
Annual Report (2021)
March 22, 2022
Annual Report (2022)
March 25, 2023
Annual Report (2023)
March 26, 2024