
Name: Kim Jong Hyon

Sex: man

Birthday: November 3, 1996

Address: Kumsong-dong No. 3, Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang

Present post: player of the Korean Sports Association of the Disabled

Type of disabilities: amputation of the lower left leg

Career: After graduation of the vocational training school under the KFPD Central Committee in 2014, he came to be a ski runner of the Korean Sports Association of the Disabled. In 2017 he was admitted to the Faculty of Economics of   Kim Il Sung University online college.

A Get-together of Children with Disabilities

We Are the Happiest in the World

Children’s Happiness

An Impressive Performance

Beautiful and Elegant Portrayal

Giving Priority to Product Quality

Directing Efforts to Strengthening Physical Training

To Strengthen the Learned Knowledge in Practice

Directing Efforts to Politico-ideological Education

Sincere Devotion to Development of Sports by Disabled
