To Prepare All Teachers into Multi-Subject Lecturers

The Vocational Training School for Persons with Disabilities is making achievements in preparing all its teachers into multi-subject lecturers.

The school is paying due attention to decisively enhancing the qualifications of lecturers in direct charge of teaching in order to improve the students` academic performance as required by the era of the knowledge-based economy.

It ensures that the teachers draw up detailed stage-by-stage plans for acquiring the ability to give lectures on several subjects and carry them out without fail so as to raise their scientific and theoretical levels as well as their practical qualifications through close contact and assistance with each other.

It also generalizes the achievements made in improving the teachers’ qualifications and regularly reviews and evaluates the results, thus preparing all of them into competent multi-subject lecturers.

Sports Games of Persons with Disabilities and Amateurs-2024 Held   [2024-12-27]

Winners   [2024-12-27]

An Indelible Impression   [2024-12-27]

Highly Appreciated Goods   [2024-12-27]

Directing Efforts to Quality Management   [2024-12-27]

Handbook for Family Contact   [2024-12-27]

Book in Korean Braille Published   [2024-12-27]

Visits to Several Places   [2024-12-27]

For Artistic Depiction of Sign Language   [2024-12-27]

New Teaching Methods   [2024-12-27]
