Sacrificial ritual in memory of Tangun
Sacrificial ritual in memory of Tangun belongs to social customs and ceremony and it is one of the State Intangible Cultural Heritage. It is a rite holding a memorial service at the Mausoleum of King Tangun on the occasion of the National Foundation Day, October 3.
Tangun was a historical figure who first founded Joson (Ancient Joson) in the East Asia in early 30 century B.C. and brought about the beginning of appearance of state. Our nation could then become a homogeneous nation with one blood and language living on one country with Tangun as the founder and could pride long history of 5 000 years and bright cultural tradition.
That’s why our ancestors worshipped Tangun as the founder of the nation and were proud that they were descendants of Tangun. And they held sacrificial ritual in memory of Tangun in the name of Gods of heaven sacrificial rite, Mt Thaebaek sacrificial rite and the like for thousands of years.
During the period of Japanese colonial rule when the activities to erase Korean history and culture had reached extremes, in defiance of any suppression by the enemy, people founded Great Religion (“Tangun Religion” that time) and organized Safeguarding Association for the Mausoleum of King Tangun and “Mausoleum of King Tangun Repair Action Committee” and many faithful including highest priest of Great Religion held sacrificial ritual in memory of Tangun year by year.
Under the wise leadership of President