Sinkosan ballad (new Kosan ballad)

   Sinkosan ballad (new Kosan ballad), a lyric folk song from the Kosan area of Kangwon Province, was derived from Orang ballad (Orang ballad) which had been a folk song of the East Sea coastal region. Orang ballad which was transmitted orally for ages was renamed Sinkosan ballad, from when a railway was laid in Kosan. A new station and village came into being to the north of it, which was called Sinkosan (new Kosan).

   At the railway construction site were many people from Hamgyong Province, by whom Orang in the lyrics of Orang ballad was replaced with Sinkosani. From then on, the song was called Sinkosan ballad (new Kosan ballad).

   The folk song Sinkosan ballad mainly focused on love but after the liberation of the country from Japanese’s occupation it reflected new and sound life feelings of people in its lyrics. It is being transmitted in the forms of female chorus, Kayagum ensemble, a song-and-dance piece and a solo piece in mass art groups and professional art organizations.

   The folk song Sinkosan ballad was registered as a national intangible cultural heritage No. 32.