Komunmoru Site

   The Komunmoru site at Hugu-ri, Sangwon County is the site of primitive men of one million years ago.

   It is the cave site which is 30m long, 2.5m wide and 2m high and at the time of excavation, the inside was full of sedimentary stratum and the entry was also blocked. The most primitive rude stone implements and several tens of animal bone fossils were excavated at the site. As the stone implements there are crescent-shaped, trapezoidal, pointed or in other forms according to the original shape of lump of stone and it is the most primitive stone implements which were manufactured by people. Animal bone fossils are of tropical and subtropical animals like two-horned rhinoceros, buffalo, elephant, Sangwon horse, Sangwon flat-antlered deer, short-chop hyena and monkey that were already extinct on the earth or early disappeared in our country.

   The Komunmoru site is valuable to clarify the first period of human history and to prove long history of our country. It is the most certain evidence that proves the Taedong River basin was one of the cradles of human culture.