Kyongdang of Koguryo

   Kyongdang was a private educational institution of Koguryo.

   Koguryo people including even those who had a low social standing, gathered firewood or grew animals in remote villages were fond of learning.

   So they built large houses called kyongdang in towns, villages and deep mountains for children’s education.

   Kyongdang was attended by unmarried underage children. They studied day and night to acquire knowledge in various fields including history.

   Importantly, they learned martial arts such as archery, horse riding, and swordplay, developing their physical strength in kyongdang.

   As such, implanting noble patriotism and love of the native land into the hearts of youth and children as well as focusing on the physical fitness, kyongdang operated everywhere in Koguryo made a great contribution to upholding of the dignity and honor of the thousand-year powerful state in the middle ages.