Custom of Jongwoldaeborum and welcoming the first full moon
Jongwoldaeborum (the 15th day of the first month by the lunar calendar) is a big folk holiday coming after the lunar New Year’s Day. Events which had started on the lunar New Year’s Day finished on this day.
14th of January by the lunar calendar is called as small borum and people enjoyed holiday from this day. On lunchtime this day there is a custom of having noodles and it originated from the desire of a long life.
There is a custom of having boiled rice admixed with four other staple cereals and the dish made of 9 wild greens. People also had yakbab (sweet rice dish), pokssam (laver-wrapped rice), noodles, jellies and etc. and they preserved dishes made on 14th and ate on 15th. Women prepared various kinds of special foods and made their family happy. People also ate chestnuts, walnuts, ginkgo nuts, pine nuts and radishes early in the morning for preventing from boils and for the healthy teeth.
People enjoyed holiday playing various kinds of folk games.
Kite-flying and toy pinwheel game continued until jongwoldaeborum which had been started on the lunar New Year’s Day. Tug of war and notdari game (folk game played among farm women) were played and welcoming the first full moon and lamp play were progressed.
On the jongwoldaeborum Eve people went up hill at the back of the village and enjoyed seeing the full moon. They believed that many good things come to the first person to see the full moon and they also wished for their desires.
Custom of jongwoldaeborum and welcoming the first full moon is registered as the State Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Dr. Ri Sun Hui, Researcher of Korean Folklore Museum