Seven-storeyed Pagoda of Hyonhwa Temple
The Seven-storeyed Pagoda of Hyonhwa Temple, originally at its site, was moved and housed in the Koryo Museum at present.
According to historical record, the pagoda was erected in 1020.
It consists of plinth, seven-storeyed body and head.
With its total height of 8.64 m and the plinth being 3.9 m long on each side, it represents a fairly large type of a stone pagoda from the period of Koryo dynasty.
Three stone columns are built on each side of the plinth, and the spaces between them are finished with five tiers of well-trimmed and brick-shaped stones, and on top is a big roof-like head stone. It is to be noted that such structure of a plinth is rare among stone pagodas.
That the projection of the roof-like head stone and the corner columns on the plinth are not in angles but in wave-like curves are also remarkable.
From the first to the seventh storey of the body, each stone has a Buddhist figure in bas-relief which is very fine and distinctive.
The Seven-storeyed Pagoda of Hyonhwa Temple is large and composed of fairly sizeable elements elaborate in detail, and shows a well balance of the whole and the parts.
The stone pagoda is a precious national treasure attesting to our ancestor’s architecture of pagoda and its development.