6th National Dog-Phungsan Show was held
The 6th National Dog-Phungsan Show has been held in Sariwon City, North Hwanghae Province, DPR Korea.
Scientists and technicians of the animal husbandry, veterinary and zoology field, citizens who are keeping Phungsan dog, and those who are willing to keep the dog participated in the show.
The aim of this show was to register, investigate and carry out the breed evaluation of Phungsan dog which is our national dog and the natural monument of the country. Also, the aim was to spread the scientific and technical knowledge on the standard model of the Phungsan dog and its biological traits and increase the number of the purebred in a short time. More people have participated in the show than the past.
In the examination, the rank was decided by the method of evaluating the overall result of pre-examination, main examination, comprehensive examination, final examination and public examination.
In this show, the male Phungsan dog of the citizen living in Kuchon–dong No. 1, Sariwon city and the female Phungsan dog of the citizen living in the Munhwa-dong won the first place.
After the show, there was a detailed practical training on the principles of conserving the purebred of the national dog for the citizens who raised the Phungsan dogs that received the grade and were registered as an important genetic resource.