Children of Pyongyang Orphanage

Children of Pyongyang Orphanage

Pyongyang Orphanage is located on the picturesque banks of the Taedong River in the capital city of Pyongyang.

It gives one-year general education and one-year pre-school education to children aged five to six years.

It comprises rooms for education, intellectual games and nature observation, a general playground and various amusement facilities. Children grow up healthily with nothing to envy in the world.

The state supplies everything needed for the education and growth of orphans on a priority basis.

Learning Korean alphabets
Playing intellectual games
At the nature observation room
Nap time
Learning sketch skills
Learning to play musical instruments
Learning Taekwon-Do
Ssirum match
At the general playground
At the outdoor wading pool
At the playground
On an amusement train
Nutritious foods are supplied to orphans on a regular basis.
Looking at photo albums
Pyongyang Orphanage